The 3 Key Objectives of Branding (Aren’t Marketing)

Branding and marketing go hand-in-hand, but they aren’t the same. Marketing encompasses all the actions you take to put your brand into people’s line of sight. Branding, on the other hand, has more to do with creating a consistent identity that your customers will recognize and adore.

So what are the three main goals of branding? Keep reading to find out.

To Influence.

You can’t tell people how to feel about your brand, but you can use analytics to read their thoughts, emotions, and habits to influence their opinions. Branding requires that you know your customer, their beliefs, attitude, and lifestyle. Once you understand who you’re targeting, you can craft a comprehensive branding plan that leaves potential customers with a positive first impression.

Apple stores are an example of branding influence. Each showroom features a minimalist design that caters to young, high-income urbanites seeking a streamlined technology experience.

To Establish An Identity.

One of your brand’s most important purposes is to differentiate you from the crowd. This happens at every touch point throughout your buyer’s journey. Your brand must distinguish itself in every way, from your logo and graphics to your packaging materials and even your customer service practices.

McDonald’s has achieved an undeniable brand identity through more than just visuals. The company also creates a consistent consumer experience from one location to the next. You know a Big Mac in Florida will taste exactly the same as a Big Mac in Montana.

To Instill Loyalty.

A customer might be funneled into your pipeline through your marketing efforts, but your brand is there to capture their emotions. When a customer makes an emotional connection with your brand, they’ll assign a higher value to it than others. This affinity fosters loyalty and trust and allows you to build more than just a business but also a community around your brand as a whole.

Look to IKEA as a branding loyalty role model. This 80-year-old DIY Swiss furniture store showed Americans they could fully and affordably customize their spaces by self-assembling handpicked pieces, giving them a stronger connection to their home and its furnishings.

Ultimately, marketing is what brings customers to your brand, but your brand influences their opinion of your identity to turn customers into a community.


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