Viim Was Featured In a SharpSpring Case Study!
Creating a brand for your business is so much more than just a logo! Here are 6 exercises to help you create a brand for your business!
The Thoughtful Entrepreneur
Intentionality means changing your perspective on how you show up in the world. Viim and their team offer a one-day-long discovery call for their new clients that aligns their vision, their business’s vision, and their team’s vision.
Organized Holistically Podcast Interview
Ready to take a trip to the warehouse? Tune in as I break down your “branding warehouse” and how to cohesively strategize your content to fill your marketing vehicles!
Learn what and when to post to social media
In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Viim owner, Steph Hilfer, who is a very enthusiastic, positive and energetic person. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without a huge smile on her face. She started Viim (Visual, Integrated, Intentional marketing) in 2018 and went full-time in her business at the end of 2020.
What you manifest is before you.
Sparked by the original quote by Garth Stein, “That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.” I’m not sure where I first heard this quote, but “What you […]
COVID-19; and the importance of your digital presence.
First and foremost, the COVID-19 outbreak (or any tragedy for that matter) should not be seen as merely a marketing opportunity or to be used in a sharky sales scheme. The health of the millions of individuals at risk & the growing impact on our global economy should continue to be the utmost priority. Things […]
Facebook Text Formatting is Here!
Facebook is at it again! Constantly evolving and adding in new features, some we love and some we could do without. While previously limited to changing the “background style”, the newest addition, teased earlier in February of this year, brings us; Text Formatting. Currently exclusive to Facebook Groups, you can now format your text within […]
8 Keys Elements to a Successful Social Ad Strategy
Harnessing the incredible opportunity that social media offers can transform your business. Social media advertising is still among the fastest growing areas in the advertising world. This is because an estimated 2.43 billion people worldwide are using social media daily. And this is only supposed to increase. That number should be closer to 2.9 billion by […]